At Physio & Wellness Hub we take a holistic approach to health. We always asses your body as a whole, taking your physical and emotional health into consideration. We understand that your body is one unit, that needs to work in harmony in order for you to feel strong and healthy. After a detailed consultation and assessment, we will offer you an individual treatment plan based on your needs and goals.
We also offer preventative assessment and treatment. If you are preparing for pregnancy, or starting a new demanding job or if you decided to take on a new fitness routine, we can help you get ready for new challenges in life. It's good to be pro-active!
We treat several Women's Health conditions including those related to pregnancy:
-urinary incontinence
-faecal incontinence
-pelvic organ prolapse
-pelvic pain
-diastasis recti
-pelvic girdle pain, symphysis pubis dysfunction
-carpal tunnel syndrome
-rib pain
-back pain
-weak core
Hypopressives in Women's Health
Hypopressives - Low Pressure Fitness is the newest approach we use to treat pelvic floor dysfunction and weakened core muscles.
At Physio & Wellness Hub we take a holistic approach when assessing and treating you. Your needs, goals and priorities will be carefully considered to form the best plan of treatment for you. Whether you are looking for physiotherapy or holistic therapies, Physio & Wellness Hub is the place to be.
Getting Help
Whatever age or stage in life, you should always look after yourself. Don't let pain or discomfort stop you. Don't accept dysfunction as 'normal', just because someone told you it is - IT'S NOT! Look for help. Believe in your body's ability to heal.